APEX CAMC314596 20.66 Acre Lode Mining Claim in the Historic Ivanpah District, San Bernardino County, CA 2 Mines, and Old Cabin and an amazing/secluded setting! TONS of good ore...
AVENTURESCENCE ORMC173636 Unpatented Mining Claim on Federal Land Oregon Within Oregon there is a small but unusual occurrence of the semiprecious gems known as “sunstones” (also known as Heliolite). "heliolite"...
BASALT ORMC173974 Unpatented Mining Claim on Federal Land Oregon Within Oregon there is a small but unusual occurrence of the semiprecious gems known as “sunstones” (also known as Heliolite). "heliolite"...
BLACK JACK MINE NMC1137011 The Black Jack Mine consists of an adit that is perched at about 5,200 ft. The vein has great color and XRF confirm the claim has...
CHARLESTON MINE NMC1140333 The Charleston Mine consists of one large adit tunnel, 3 open trenches and one large pit. There are lots of tailings on site, and the adit...
CROWN POINT NMC1140535 NV Gold Mine Lode Mining Claim Tonopah Nevada Copper Silver Adit Shaft Prospect A great opportunity to own a turn of the century mine in one of...
CYPRESS MINE NMC1137408 20.66 Acre Unpatented Lode Mining Claim on Federal Land in the Historic Palmetto Mining District, Esmeralda Nevada The Cypress Mine is a historic mine that dates back...
LABRADORITE ORMC173637 Unpatented Mining Claim on Federal Land Oregon Within Oregon there is a small but unusual occurrence of the semiprecious gems known as “sunstones” (also known as Heliolite). "heliolite"...
SILVER STAGE MINE NMC1139935 20.66 Acre Unpatented Lode Mining Claim on Federal Land in the Fallon, Nevada Mining District / Churchill County Nevada The Silver Stage Mine is...