Information on Mining Claims in General;
A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government.
Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate. A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance.
Transfers of Ownership in Mining Claims;
Interest in a properly recorded mining claim or site may be transferred in part or its entirety. A quitclaim deed or recordable conveyance document is needed. Transfer documents should be filed within 60 days after the transfer. There is a charge of $10 per claim, per transfer document. We pay this fee on your behalf for this transfer - not charge you for it. And should you desire to transfer your claim into a different name, it will only cost you $10.
Can you camp on your mining claim?
Yes, as owner of an unpatented mining claim you are allowed to camp on your claim pursuant to the rules of the surface management agency.
In a nutshell, the rules are pretty simple on this; if you are not doing any mining, you are permitted to camp on your claim 14 days every month maximum. However, if you are mining (even by the standards they designate as "recreational" mining - which can mean a day or two a week you get your shovel out and move some dirt), you can camp indefinitely on your property.
You can store whatever equipment you need to support your mining efforts, and you can make infrastructure improvements to your property to help your operation.
Can you build on your claim?
You are allowed to build on a claim with restrictions if the structures are in direct support of mining activities. Contact the surface management agency for details.
Again, this covers everything from building storage shed to shelter your equipment and tools to building a gate at a mine entrance for security. As long as you are at least doing some recreational mining, you can build on this property if you submit a plan and get a permit in advance.