
Elevation: 5600 ft
Access: This claim are very easy, to access by two wheel drive.
Acres: 18.64
Type: Placer
County: Socorro
Commodities: Fluorite Barite, Galena, Quartz and Smoky Quartz
Secondary Mineralizations: Pb , Cu and Zn carbonates and sulphates.
HISTORY: Although mineral exploration in the barite-fluorite-galena deposit of the district predates Spanish and Anglo developments, the first major mining operation started in 1916 by Western Mineral Products Company, who also constructed a 50 ton dry mill on the site to extract galena. They started several excavations including an adit that would later become the Portales mine of the Blanchard Family. The arrival of the railroad in the 1880s brought miners, merchants, and cattlemen to Socorro County. A mining rush followed the Apache wars (late 19th century) – gold, silver, and copper were found in the mountains.
While some mining activity, involving gold, silver, and copper, occurred in the southern part of the range near the end of the nineteenth century, the prospecting/mining remnants are barely visible today due to collapse, topographic screening, and vegetation regrowth. While miners combed the mountains for mineral riches during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, stockmen drove tens of thousands of sheep and cattle to stockyards at the village of Magdalena, then linked by rail with Socorro. (Wikipedia)
Mining activity dates from about 1881, and in the yield of silver, gold, and copper Socorro has become one of the leading counties, with over 50 districts and many remarkably productive mines.
These claims are located South of Bingham and East of Socorro. The town of Socorro, also known then as the "Gem City" was alive with mining and smelting activity, and there was great hope for a bright future (Silver City Southwest Sentinel, 1889). During the early 1880s as many as 150 oxen and mule teams were busy hauling lead and silver ores from the Magdalena district (Kelly, Graphic 1983). Socorro County, in the west-central part of the State along the Rio Grande, contains a variety of mineral deposits valued mainly for copper, lead, zinc, and, to a lesser extent, gold and silver. In 1921 Catron County was formed from part of Socorro County. Total gold production through 1959, excluding the Mogollon district, was about 32,000 ounces.
Buyer will also receive the following with their completed transaction:
•Quitclaim deed showing full ownership of the claim. This will be stamped, recorded and verified with the County and the BLM offices.
•Welcome packet with all of the rules and regulations as they relate to the State and BLM where the claim is located.
•Educational documents to annually renew your mining claim with the BLM.
•A CD of all of the documented images of the claim including maps of the site.
•Map of claim marked and GPS coordinates.
•Multiple maps showing claim location and surrounding areas for access.
Anglesite | Dickite | ‘Psilomelane’ |
Antlerite | Fluorapatite | Pyrite |
Atacamite | Fluorite | Pyromorphite |
Aurichalcite | Fraipontite | Quartz |
Azurite | Galena | Rosasite |
Baryte | Goethite | Scrutinyite |
Brochantite | Gypsum | Smithsonite |
Calcite | Hematite | Spangolite |
Caledonite | Hemimorphite | Sphalerite |
Cerussite | Hydrozincite | Tsumebite |
Chalcopyrite | Jarosite | Turquoise |
Chrysocolla | Lepidocrocite | Wulfenite |
Cinnabar | Libethenite | |
Copper | Linarite | |
Corkite | Malachite | |
Coronadite | Mottramite | |
Covellite | Murdochite | |
Crandallite | Opal (Var. Hyalite) | |
Creedite | Plattnerite | |
Cuprite | Plumbogummite | |
Cyanotrichite | Plumbojarosite |
Mineralization in the district formed from hydrothermal waters emanating from deep within the Jornada del Muerto Basin underlying basement rocks to the west of the Hansonburg district.
Mineralization in the district is dominantly found within the Council Spring limestone and in the lower part of the Burrego Formation (Fig. 5). Ore mineralization has also been found in the upper massive limestones of the Coane Formation, the upper massive limestones of the Story Formation, and in the Moya Formation (Kottlowski, 1953). Massive beds of non-cherty limestone appear to be the most favorable hosts of ore because they tend to be intensely broken and shattered along faults, leading to higher porosity, whereas less massive beds break cleanly or are folded (Kottlowski, 1953).
The most common primary (hypogene) minerals in the Hansonburg Mining District are fluorite, barite, galena, and quartz, with minor amounts of other sulfide minerals (sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite). Ore minerals, for which the district was mined through out its history, include galena, barite and fluorite. Superimposed on these primary minerals are minor secondary minerals including Ca- and numerous Pb-, Cu- and Zn-carbonates and sulphates.
Fluorite from the Hansonburg Mining District exhibit a wide variety of forms including the cube{100}, hexoctahedrons {hkl}, tetrahexahedrons {hk0}, and less commonly the octahedron{111}, dodecahedron {110} and trisoctahedrons {hhl} (Taggertet al.,1989), with many crystals exhibiting combinations of forms (e.g. cubo-hexoctahedron;
The Sierra Oscura Mountains are composed of a series of north-south trending fault blocks that are tilted to the east, with a dip of around 7o , creating a steep fault scarp on their west and a sloping highland to the east (see picture above). The throw along the fault increases toward the south from the Hansonburg district, and northward the fault disappears into the Oscura anticline.
The Desert Rose (a.k.a. Downey Stope, Mountain Canyon Mine, Ace High Mine) Mine is located a few miles away from the claim in Bingham, NM.
The world famous Hansonburg Mining District, which is also known as the Blanchard Claims. The local rock shop offers tours to the public rock and mineral collecting area along with guided mining tours/field trips throughout New Mexico.
The most common primary (hypogene) minerals in the Hansonburg Mining District are fluorite, barite, galena, and quartz and smoky quartz, with minor amounts of other sulfide minerals (sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite). The rarer species that can be found on this claim are Linarite (pictured on the right), Brochantite, Wulfenite, and many more. The ore deposits at the Royal Flush and Julian-Malachite mines are in the massive Council Spring limestone and in the lower part of the Burrego formation. Outcrops of ore also occur in the upper massive limestones of the Coane formation, the upper massive limestones of the Story formation, and in the Moya formation. Massive beds of non-cherty limestone seem to be the most favorable hosts of ore as they are intensely broken and shattered along faults whereas less massive beds break cleanly or are folded.
North and Tuff (1986) analyzed a fluorite from the Royal Flush Mine by X-ray florescence and found 32 ppm Mo, 134 ppm Y, 40 ppm Sr, 37 ppm Cu, 15 ppm Pb, and 102 ppm Ba. Using atomic absorption and X-ray florescence Hill et al. (2000) analyzed samples from the Ora, Royal Flush and Mex-Tex mines found trace elements at levels ranging from hundredths (Sc) to tens of ppm(Na, Zn, Zr, Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb and the REE).
Bosze and Rakovan (2002), using spatially resolved synchrotron X-ray fluorescence data, have shown that REE incorporation into fluorites from the district can be strongly influenced by the structure of the fluorite surface. They found that REE are differentiallyincorporated among structurally different crystal faces (e.g. Fig. 7) leading to sectoral zoning which in some cases was evident by color zoning. Throughout the district evidence of at least five symmetrically nonequivalent crystal growth forms were found by Bosze and Rakovan (2002) including the cube{100}, dodecahedron{110}, octahedron{111}, hexoctahedra{hkl} and the tetrahexahedra{hk0}. Each of these forms was found to have a different affinity (effective fluid-solid partition coefficient) for each of the REE measured.
2x2 dirt road gets your fairly close to the mine while you can continue on foot, ATV, or 4x4 to access the entire claim.
(There is some camping and RV parks about 30 miles from the claims)
A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government.
Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate. A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance.
We offer a lifetime guarantee should the BLM take back the land.
As the largest company in the mining industry selling legitimate and valuable historic claims, you can rest assured that you are not only covered with our 100% lifetime money-back guarantee, but you can also rest easy that there is no fine print on any of our claim listings telling you will have to deal with any games like being charged phony fees or having to pay inflated “processing” or “transfer” fees. The final price for this mine is ALL you will pay.
Our in-house legal counsel will complete all of the paperwork and documentation for recording and transferring FULL ownership AND we will ship you everything in one to two business days of receipt of your payment in full (usually just one day!). So you can plan to visit (and start working) your claim the next day without the lengthy delay you will experience with other companies selling claims –and you will not have to pay any extra costs, fees or other poor excuses for extra profit that normally just go into a seller’s pocket.
We'll take care of all the paperwork and arrangements so you can enjoy your claim immediately after payment and we keep you informed through the entire process with confirmations when payment is received, when your paperwork has been shipped.
While we cannot physically ship land to you as it doesn't quite fit into the mail box ;)
We will ship all paperwork/maps upon payment clearing we ship same business day (if payment is received by 1PM P.S.T.) We always provide tracking information so you are always informed.